Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) appear particularly relevant in education for sustainability. Teachers need to critically reflect on their teaching to…
From the website of the Higher Education Academy. Article: Cathedrals Mission Group - Peer Learning Project 2017: Smart buddies (academic skills mentors)…
Jessica Shipman Gunson, Elizabeth Abery, Lindsay Krassnitzer, Christopher Barton, Ivanka Prichard, from Flinders University, Adelhyde, Australia describe in…
Dirk T. Tempelaar, André Heck, Hans Cuypers, Henk van der Kooij, Evert van de Vrie. Surf-project Abstract Learning analytics seeks to enhance the learning…
Paula M. Bigatel, PhD , March 14th, 2016. During the past year and a half, our faculty development unit has been gathering data from students about how engaged…